DamClear FlocBloc
FB-4058 (1 kg)
box of 8
DamClear FlocBloc FB-4058 (formerly AN2)
Is generally best suited to sediments and clays and to applications where water pH is tending acidic (pH < 6.5), or where the salinity is starting to tend high (conductivity > 500 uS/cm).
FlocBloc FB-4058 is a good option where chemical pretreatments such as alum, DamClear Clarity Aid CL or DamClear Clarity Aid PA are applied prior to the FlocBlocs.
Product Description
DamClear FlocBlocs are a simple and convenient method for applying flocculant polymers to water requiring clarification.
FlocBlocs consist of fine granules of powder grade flocculant dispersed in a solid, but readily water soluble polymer. The carrier polymer is non-toxic. As water flows over the Bloc, flocculant is released which combines with the sediment, causing solids to settle rapidly and leaving clear treated water.
Typical Applications
Clarification of storm water on building sites, and commercial & residential developments.
Clarification of storm water run-off in sediment retention basins for road, rail and tunnel construction.
Clarification of clay contaminated river and dam water for live stock, irrigation and horticulture,
and for aesthetic improvement.
Clarification of trade & industrial wastewater to remove solids and to thicken sludge.
Clarification of storm water run-off from mining operations & stock piles at rock, sand and gravel quarries.
Clarification of water from drilling operations.
Product Features
• Low application rates √
• Fast acting √
• Low aquatic toxicity √
• Safe for fish √
• Does not affect water pH √
• Low cost √
• Does not affect water salinity √
• Can be applied during storm events √